September 11, 2015 12:08 am 1 CommentIf you have cellulite you’re not alone.
Appearing on our thighs as “orange-peel” dimples, its name sounds like a serious medical condition, but it is merely a cosmetic condition and is not physically harmful.
It affects approximately 85% of women at some point during their lives. And the frustrating thing is, it affects women who are otherwise slender and fit.
What is it?
Cellulite is not caused by toxins in your body. It is nothing more than normal fat beneath your skin. The fat looks lumpy and bumpy because it pushes against connective tissue, causing the skin above it to pucker.
Having cellulite doesn’t mean you are overweight. However, if you are overweight, losing weight may reduce cellulite.
Cellulite gets worse with age; hormones seem to play a role in its appearance. As we age our bodies produce less estrogen which can mean poorer circulation, a decrease in new collagen production and the breakdown of older connective tissue.
It’s true that cellulite runs in families. If your mother and grandmother had cellulite, you have a better chance of developing it.
Regular exercise, both aerobic and strength training, cannot cure cellulite but in many cases exercise can help prevent or reduce its appearance.
Cellulite tends to be less noticeable on darker skin.
Other factors that influence how much cellulite you have and how visible it is include:
Poor diet
Total body fat
Lack of physical activity
Hormonal changes
Thickness and color of your skin
Fad dieting
Slow metabolism
If you have tried dieting, exercise and maybe even one of those highly advertised cellulite creams but have not seen the results you desire, at Allure MD Spa & Wellness Center we offer a revolutionary high-frequency cellulite treatment called Zimmer Z-Wave Pro.
Zimmer Z-Wave is safe, non-invasive, works faster than using lasers, can be used on all skin colors, and provides more predictable results.
Zimmer Z-Wave reduces cellulite through tissue tightening by breaking down cellulite’s fibrous connective fibers and promotes new collagen production within your body.
Call us at 732-851-7005 today and let Dr. Kogan discuss the advantages of Zimmer Z-Wave technology with you. We look forward to meeting you!
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This post was written by alluremdspa
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