What are you waiting for?
Whether you want Body Contouring, Cellulite Reduction, Skin Tightening, or all of the above, get that lean beach body with tighter skin by calling the office at 732-851-7005 to make an appointment for your Exilis Body Treatment Session today!
How many treatments do I need?
Everyone is different, but in general most people begin to see a measurable difference after only 1or 2 visits and see excellent results after only 4 – 6 treatment sessions.
Sessions are scheduled every 7 – 14 days and each treatment should only take 30-40 minutes with no pain, no downtime, or limitations on your activities!
What kind of results does Exilis Body Treatment produce?
The client satisfaction rate is high, our clients have seen excellent skin tightening and cellulite reduction. For body contouring, Exilis Body Treatment works well when trying to reduce that last stubborn inch in your problem areas. All of this occurs in a painless and quick 30-40 minute office procedure with no downtime or limitations on your activities!